Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Many students are asking that where to write these notes. So, my dear students you have to write it in your fair biology copy.

Kinds of meristematic tissue :-
1. Apical meristematic tissue ( Apical meristem ) :- This tissue is present in the tip portion of plants like root tip, stem tip and tip of side branches. Main function of apical meristem is to help plant in its primary growth (growth in height of plant).

2. Lateral meristematic tissue ( Lateral meristem or Cambium ):- This meristematic tissue is responsible for increase of thickness of plant (Secondary growth).

3. Intercalary meristematic tissue ( Intercalary meristem ) :- Intercalary meristem is responsible for growth of side branches in the plants.

Permanent tissue :- 
  • Cells of permanent tissue do not have power of cell division.
  • Nuclear content of these cells are less in comparison to cytoplasmic contents.
  • These cells have large vacuoles for storage of different kinds of materials.

Draw following diagrams in your fair copy :-

Description of above diagrams will appear in our next session , next week monday & tuesday.
Till then take care bye.....


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